****************** Analyses - Remote ****************** By default, analyses are run on Grappa via the ``trigger_remote_analysis.py`` protocol on icehap-daq. As a general rule, shifters should not need to manually run analyses. If for some reason you suspect there is an error in the analysis, see the 'Analysis' part of the previous section of this documentation. **If you need to actually run anything, consider connecting to grappa via the icehap-daq machine. This will make sure you environment and user are configured correctly.** ================== Analysis Location ================== On Grappa, the analysis output lives in the individual analyses folders: ``/disk20/fat/software/degg_measurements/degg_measurements/analysis/`` Each subfolder will have subsequent directories called ``figs`` or ``plots`` which will contain all analysis plots created for a given run (ex. 136) or sometimes sorted by the date. Some measurements (and therefore analyses) are performed multiple times per run, meaning they will have some further extension (ex. 136_00, 136_01). *If you wish to run an analysis while on Grappa, I suggest running with the flags* ``--offline --remote``. ================== Analysis Terminals ================== Analyses are run in dedicated screen sessions, which are automatically created and terminated. In principle, errors should be automatically sent to #chiba-daq for review. To investigate errors more deeply, look at the log files located in: ``/disk20/fat/data/logs``. This contains all the output informtion for a given analysis run. In most circumstances about only 1 or 2 screen sessions should be open: as the icecube user view them with ``screen -ls``. If you see many sessions open, see the next section. ============== Lock Files ============== Due to limitations in the screen version available on Grappa, to preserve the logging each analysis is run in series. But to not slow down the DAQ, each analysis therefore needs to know when it's their turn to run. To do this, the analyses create a lock file, which prevents analyses from running in parallel. The lock file, if it is not freed/deleted lives in ``/disk20/fat/data/``. *If you notice a large number of screen sessions, or plots have not been updated recently, check if the lock file is old. You may need to delte it.*