************************** Online Database - FAT CAT ************************** The final step for analysis scripts is to package information and send it to Madison's database the FAT CAT DB. This can be a convenient way to monitor the FAT's progress and get an idea for which modules are passing and failing. *The FAT CAT is not a substitute for checking Slack, the FAT DAQ PC, and analysis plots.* Link: https://hercules.icecube.wisc.edu/upgrade/fatcat/devices ============ Usage ============ To get the best results, use 'Device Type' to filter to 'degg'. By checking either Slack or the json configuration files, you can determine which D-Eggs are currently being tested. Click on one of them and you can examine measurements which have already been pushed to the database. *When building your end of shift presentation, using information from here can be useful*. The reference D-Egg: D-Egg2021-2-017 should always have plenty of results: https://hercules.icecube.wisc.edu/upgrade/fatcat/device/measurements/DEgg2021-3-017_v1