

The information in this page is obsolete!

This section lists devices or units, that compose a DEgg. If you find this list incomplete, please add your devices to this page.

PMT (Tier-3)

id=’SQxxxx’, type=’pmt’, manufacture=’Hamamatsu’, model=’R5912-100-70’, production, etc…

You can generate the json files from the excel data sheet coming along with a number of new PMTs by executing the last command in:


on grappa.

Glass (Tier-3)

id, type=’glass’, manufaccture=’Okamoto’, model, production, etc…

The script needs to be prepared once you get the list of glasses.

Gel (Tier-3)

id, type=’gel’, manufacture=’Shinetsu’, model=’X-32-3547’, production, etc…

HV board (Tier-3)

id, type, manufacture, model, production, etc…

Main board (Tier-3)

id, type, manufacture, model, production, etc…

Camera (Tier-3)

Penetrator (Tier-3)

Harness (Tier-3)

Half DEgg (Tier-2)

id, type=’D-Egg_half’, manufacture=’NME’, model={‘penetrated’, ‘non-penetrated’}, production, pmt_id, glass_id, gel_id

You can add a half DEgg by executing:


and filling the blanks.

DEgg (Tier-1)

id, type=’D-Egg’, manufacture=’NME’, model, production, assembly_id{‘0’, ‘1’}, mainboard_id

You can add a DEgg by executing:


and filling the blanks.