IceCube EHE Neutrino/Lepton Search
This page is for coordination of different tasks in the EHE particle search.

Our Projects
JULIeT-based MC study
(Keiichi, Aya, Bernhard, Shigeru).
2008 EHE filtering
EHE particle propagation
(Aya, Shigeru).
(Aya, Mio, Shigeru)
Real data analysis
Starts with comparison to MC data. Let's enjoy!
EHE Energy calibration by using the Standard candle data
(Aya, Mina)
Empirical High Energy Atmospheric muon model
(Aya, Shigeru)
Waveform profile probability ("PDF")
(Sean, Keichi)
- EHE track reco
(Keiichi, Sean, David, Henrik)
Detector response Module
- (Aya, Keiichi)
Starting events analysis
- (Mio)
- Data class
- (Kotoyo)
A dataclass to store a containd, energetic, and composite track.
A dataclass to store general reco results.
Also has two places to store a first-guessed track and a biggest cascade
in a track.
A dataclass to hold a linefit velocity and the position of
center-of-brightness. It also contains a fit quality parameter
and a bool variable to tell whether a first guess is suceeded or not.
"Ophelia" project
(Sean, Keiichi, David, Aya, Shigeru)
See also IceCube wiki page

IceTray setting for EHE analysis
Based on the EHE meta project.
The latest release (V03-01-00) (based on offline-software 10-03-00, simulation V02-04-00 and icerec V03-02-00).
The trunk based on the EHE meta-project V03-01-00
Main projects are:
- Generator
- juliet
(Change "BUILD_JULIET" in $I3_BUILD/CMakeCache.txt to "ON" and type "make rebuild_cache" at $I3_BUILD to download the jar ball and expand it.)
- juliet-interface
- Photon Propagator
- Photonics 1.67 (moonraker)
photonics tables (AHA model)
- Detector MC
- romeo
- romeo-interface
- DOM simulator
- DOMsimulator
- DOM calibrator
- DOMcalibrator
- EHE MC utility modules
- Brutus
- I3BinNumbersReducer
- Reduce FADC/ATWD calibrated waveforom in MC data to
the one recorded only in a given bin number. This is needed
for the IC-9 analysis where only limited number of bins are read out.
- I3HitMakerEHE (successor of I3HitConstructorEHE)
- The special hit-maker for EHE where you have lots of hits. By binning MCHits with
10 nsec window, it allows you to process more than 500 k hits/DOM without consuming
too much memories.
- I3RawDataEraser
- Erasing unused vector in I3MCPMTResponseRomeo and I3PMTPulseVect, rawATWD/FADC
in I3DOMLaunch
- I3MCHitCompressor
- Refills I3MCHits with HISTOGRAM of hit timing. GetWeight() returns number of hits.
Useful for EHE data.
- after-pulse simulator
- AfterPulseSimulator
See also this page for the detail.
- Extracter of charge and leading time from waveform.
- Portia (PORTable Impulse Analyzer)
- Weigher
- weighting-module
Weighting-module is now responsible only for signal/background event weighting.
The function of making root tree is moved to the tree-maker.
- Tree maker
- tree-maker
The tree-maker is now responsible for making a root tree, which the weighting-module
was before.
The weighting-module is now responsible only for the signal/background event weighting .
- Detector Response module for reconstruction
- EHE reconstruction modules
- ophelia
- I3EHEEventSelector
- It selects MC/real events with criteria you set based on Juliet particle/Portia Pulse
and EHE first guess track.
- I3EHEFirstGuess
- I3EHEFirstGuess does the line-fit writing the results to I3OpheliaFirstGuessTrack.
- gulliver
A service to cooperate with other services of a parameterization and a minimizer.
- lilliput
A project where you find services of a minimizer and a parametrization.
- gulliver-modules
This is the actual module to make the minimization.
- Script files for the MC generation (Some scripts are a bit outdated. Use I3HitMakerEHE instead of I3HitConstructorEHE)
EHE MC generation/analysis chart

Related Links
Last modified: 2009-05-18 19:35:58