This is first results of the EHE reconstruction (for me).
We use the waveform-based log-likelihood.
I use the parameterized PDF of EHE muon tables made by myself. (See here.) I also tried a bare muon tables to compare.
Blue: parameterized EHE tables, Red: bare muon tables
Red: parameterized EHE tables, Black: first-guess
Red: 80 strings, Blue: 9 strings
You see clear saturation. We should apply the saturation effect for the expectation, too.
Red: data, Blue: expectation, green: profile of data
10^6 GeV
10^8 GeV
10^10 GeV
Now, the energy reconstruction is working somehow. Although, you see a saturation effect here, too.
Red: Energy resolution from the reconstruction.
Blue: Limits from stocastic cascade fluctuation.