IceCube EHE working data


Number of DOMs Vs Log(Npe)

The high energy pole filter (NDOM>53) and the EHE criteria Npe>1.0e4 are plotted together


Event rate as a functon of cos(theta-MC truth)

Solid curve : Our "base cut" - Npe>200 NDOM >4

Dashed curve : High Energy pole filter - NDOM >53

Dotted curve : Our criteria - Npe >1.0e4

Left Panel: Weighted by Atmospheric muon flux(red) and GZK muon (blue)

Right Panel: Unweighted. E^{-2}(red) and E^{-1}(blue)


Event rate as a function of NPE (photoelectron sum)

Solid curve : Our "base cut" - Npe>200 NDOM >4

Dashed curve : High Energy pole filter - NDOM >53

Dotted curve : Our criteria - Npe >1.0e4

Left Panel: Weighted by Atmospheric muon flux(red) and GZK muon (blue)

Right Panel: Unweighted. E^{-2}(red) and E^{-1}(blue)


Event rate as a function of NPE (photoelectron sum)

After the "High Energy" filter NDOM > 80

Left Panel: Weighted by Atmospheric muon flux(red) and GZK muon (blue) tau (black)

Right Panel: Integrated event rate (>Npe) adding both atm muon and the GZK's


Event rate as a function of NDOM (Number of DOMs with reco pulse)

After the "Unblinding NPE cut" Npe > 1.0e4

Left Panel: Weighted by Atmospheric muon flux(red) and GZK muon (blue) tau (black)

Right Panel: Integrated event rate (>NDOM) adding both atm muon and the GZK's


Event rate as a function of NDOM (Number of DOMs with reco pulse)

Same as above, but with expanded scale.

After the "Unblinding NPE cut" Npe > 1.0e4

Left Panel: Weighted by Atmospheric muon flux(red) and GZK muon (blue) tau (black)

Right Panel: Integrated event rate (>NDOM) adding both atm muon and the GZK's

Last modified: Sat Jul 8 09:35:14 JST 2006