Waveform comparisons for an EHE muon track


I compared MC waveforms with PDFs for an EHE muon track. The MC waveforms are calibratedFADC generated with the JULIeT (with bulk ice tables). I tried three PDFs, namely K-function, lightsaber tables (bulk) and lightsaber tables (layered).

Here, I only used a fixed energy and fixed geometry of an EHE muon track. The geometry is horizontally (zenith angle = 90 deg.), an EHE muon passing through the center of our detector. I compare the waveforms for each OM distance along a string (string 45, nearly center).

The effect of the PMT spe distribution is taken into account for the PDFs.


K-function, lightsaber (bulk), lightsaber (layered),

MC data (30 events) (black), profile of the MC data

1.E6 GeV

DOM #24 (114m)

DOM #26 (82m)

DOM #28 (53m)

DOM #36 (101m)

DOM #34 (69m)

DOM #32 (42m)

1.E8 GeV

DOM #20 (180m)

DOM #22 (147m)

DOM #24 (114m)

DOM #40 (166m)

DOM #38 (133m)

DOM #36 (101m)

1.E10 GeV

DOM #12 (315m)

DOM #16 (247m)

DOM #20 (180m)

DOM #48 (301m)

DOM #44 (233m)

DOM #40 (166m)


Keiichi Mase
Last modified: Wed Jun 6 04:31:36 JST 2007