Energy scale calibration by the Standard Candle
Comparison between the Standard candle simulation and the data
will lead to confirm/adjust our energy scale in the MC simulation.
We have two options in the standard candle simulations. One is
the specialized photonics developed/maintained by
Michelangelo D'Agostino
(UC Berkeley) and another is
the IceRayTrace code developed by Kotoyo Hoshina (UW Madison).
Both approach uses the Romeo configured with the
Golden DOM/PMT calibration data.

EHE energy calibration wiki by Shigeru/Mina/Aya
Standard Candle Analysis wiki by Mina
Aya's analysis page
updated on November 2007.
Mina's analysis page
updated on June 2009.
- The SC data has been analyzed for understanding the DOM response
to high amplitude pulse and comparison with the MC prediction
in the NPE behavior.
Our approach to have Romeo including GDOM sensitivity
by Kotoyo (Nov. 7 2006).
- The wavelngth-shifted accepance of DOM's glass and gel
is used in the Romeo configuration. It is used in direct manner
for the IceRayTrace simulation where Romeo takes photons
as its input while is used in a way convoluted with PMT QE
for the photonics simlation where Romeo needs photoelectron
as the input.

The IceTray projects dedicated to this business
- Romeo
GDOM branch
- Will be equivallent to trunk some day. The most recent Romeo with the
FY2005 Golden PMT calibration data
- Romeo-Interface
GDOM branch
- Will be equivallent to trunk some day.
It can configure Romeo with a Golden DOM data.
- Inu-Neko
Aya's sandbox
- Under construction. It takes the standard candle photon table of IceRayTrace
and get Romeo simulate the Glden DOM response. Essensially a replacement
of hit-constructor and romeo-interface for the study using IceRayTrace
instead of the photonics.
Last modified: 2009-06-17 17:32:24