Final Data Quality Check

Data quality check with time difference between events


2007/June (1-15)

2007/June (16-30)
Data taken in day 16-30 has a different slope (low rate) and the chi square is not good, so these data are excluded from the analysis. According to the filtering wiki page, those data are taken with different DAQ setup.

2007/July (4-31)
  The data in day 1-3 has same problem with June's case, so those data are excluded for the analysis
flasher data (excluded): 108895, 108896, 108911, 108912

Bad run: 109049, 109097






bad run: 110303, 110527

bad run: 110648, 110655, 110715


Event rate and the cumulative lime time

Event rate
There is a seasonal variation

cumulative live time
242.1 days in total

Comparison with MC data (in progress )

I simply compare data with a model (using MC data) derived from 9 strings analysis (alpha: 2.04, Eth: 3730 GeV). The model has to be determined by this year's data, and it's in progress (See this page).

total Npe distribution

zenith angle distribution (by linefit)

azimuth angle distribution

CoG X distribution (by linefit)

CoG Y distribution

CoG Z distribution (by linefit)

MC data check

For MC data, I combined two sets of MC data with different slope (dN/dE = E^-1 and E^-2) (of course with correct weights). I simply compared those MC distributions.

black: data
blue: slope -1
green: slope -2
red: combined (slope -1 and -2)

Keiichi Mase
Last modified: 2008-11-05 21:43:38