Standard Corsika data check


We generated "high energy" corsika samples which starts from 106 GeV because the "standard" corsika files doesn't extend up to EHE region and it adopts the polygonate model which doesn't express the CR flux above ~108 GeV. Here, we have listed up the difference between the "standard" and "high energy" corsika samples, and check those consistency.

Difference between standard and high energy corsika samples

The differences between the standard and high energy corsika samples are summarized such as below.

"standard" corsika "high energy" corsika
energy range 600-1011 GeV 106-10 GeV
simulation radius 800m 880m
energy spectrum polygonate (weighted dslope=-1) simple power law dN/dE = E-1
pure proton and iron
CR flux is weighted later*

* We weighted CR flux later for the high energy corsika samples. The CR flux is taken from a paper written by Nagano and Watoson. The flux we use is shown below. It's of course consistent with measured CR flux.

Comparison between the weight in high energy corsika sample and measured CR spectrum. The flux in high energy corsika is a bit high at 106 GeV, but within the error of the measurements.

Comparison between the weight in high energy corsika sample and the polygonate model. The polygonate model doesn't express the measured CR flux above ~108 GeV.

The consistency check

Total Npe (best portia) Vs CR primary energy
red: proton (HE), purple: iron (HE), blue: polygonato (standard)
closest distance < 300m, NDOM>=80

Total Npe (best portia) Vs CR primary energy
red: proton (HE), purple: iron (HE), blue: polygonato (standard)
closest distance < 300m, NDOM>=80

CR primary energy distribution
red: proton (HE), purple: iron (HE), blue: polygonato (standard)
log(total NPE)>3. is applied in order to remove NDOM effect.
dashed line: NDOM>70, solid line: NDOM>80

NDOM distribution
red: proton (HE), purple: iron (HE), blue: polygonato (standard)
log(primary CR energy)>6.
dashed line: log10(total NPE)>6., solid line: total NPE>0.
As you see, the NDOM distribution is different for low NDOM between the standard and high energy corsika samples. This is probably because the trigger condition is different (There is no trigger for high energy corsika samples). The distribution between standard and high energy (proton) becomes compatible after the total NPE cut.

total NPE distribution
red: proton (HE), purple: iron (HE), blue: polygonato (standard)
log(primary CR energy)>6.
dashed line: NDOM>70, solid line: NDOM>80
You can see that there is no NDOM effect for events above log10(total NPE)>3.

NDOM Vs CR primary energy
red: proton (HE), purple: iron (HE), blue: polygonato (standard)
closest distance < 300m, NDOM>80, log10(total NPE)>3.

NDOM Vs CR primary energy
red: proton (HE), purple: iron (HE), blue: polygonato (standard)
closest distance < 300m, NDOM>80, log10(total NPE)>3.

Zenith angle distribution
red: proton (HE), purple: iron (HE), blue: polygonato (standard)
NDOM>80, log10(total NPE)>3.

CoGX distribution
red: proton (HE), purple: iron (HE), blue: polygonato (standard)
NDOM>80, log10(total NPE)>3.

CoGY distribution
red: proton (HE), purple: iron (HE), blue: polygonato (standard)
NDOM>80, log10(total NPE)>3.

CoGZ distribution
red: proton (HE), purple: iron (HE), blue: polygonato (standard)
NDOM>80, log10(total NPE)>3.


Keiichi Mase
Last modified: 2008-11-29 03:11:34