ATWD channel ratio


There are some study indicating gain calibration between ATWD gains are not correctly done (done by J. Kelly et al.). In ordert to evaluate the effect from ATWD ch2, I checked the ratio of total Npe contributed from ATWD ch2 to the (best estimated) total Npe.

data set

I uesed one mouth data of EHE filtered IC-22 data (August).


ATWD channel ratio Vs Npe

ATWD channel ratio Vs Npe
black: ch0, blue: ch1, red: ch2

ATWD channel ratio Vs Npe (profile)
black: ch0, blue: ch1, red: ch2

ATWD channel ratio Vs Npe (CoGR < 300m)

ATWD channel ratio Vs Npe (CoGR < 300m)
black: ch0, blue: ch1, red: ch2

ATWD channel ratio Vs Npe (profile) (CoGR < 300m)
black: ch0, blue: ch1, red: ch2

ATWD channel ratio Vs CoGZ

ATWD channel ratio Vs CoGZ
black: ch0, blue: ch1, red: ch2

ATWD channel ratio Vs CoGZ
black: ch0, blue: ch1, red: ch2

ATWD channel ratio Vs CoGZ (total Npe>10^4)

ATWD channel ratio Vs CoGZ (total Npe>10^4)
black: ch0, blue: ch1, red: ch2

ATWD channel ratio Vs CoGZ (total Npe>10^4)
black: ch0, blue: ch1, red: ch2

ATWD channel ratio Vs CoGR

ATWD channel ratio Vs CoGR
black: ch0, blue: ch1, red: ch2

ATWD channel ratio Vs CoGR
black: ch0, blue: ch1, red: ch2

ATWD channel ratio Vs CoGX

ATWD channel ratio Vs CoGX
black: ch0, blue: ch1, red: ch2

ATWD channel ratio Vs CoGX
black: ch0, blue: ch1, red: ch2

ATWD channel ratio Vs CoGY

ATWD channel ratio Vs CoGY
black: ch0, blue: ch1, red: ch2

ATWD channel ratio Vs CoGY
black: ch0, blue: ch1, red: ch2


Keiichi Mase
Last modified: Mon Jun 23 13:48:04 JST 2008