Minutes y06m11d27

Present: David, Keiichi, Kotoyo, Sean(UW-Madison)
         Aya, Mina, Shigeru (Chiba)

1. Status report of the Team Madison -  EHE reco 

   Sean switched the offline software and the relevant dataclasses to
   the ones of the recent version in his waveform-based reco projects
   based on the gulliver. He found that the angular resolution function 
   obtained by this update has unreasonable multiple peaks. Working together 
   with David, he is trying to remove this buggy features.

   Keiichi made several modifications in the DRESS. The output waveform
   looks reasonable. Will check more about the bin size effects, but
   the DRESS is almost ready to start her service in the EHE track reconstruction 
   programs. It will hopefully improve energy resolutions with great deal.

   Shigeru suggested that we should start our reco trial from the conventional approach -
   using the DRESS outputs only - do not rely on the PDF that is input 
   to the DRESS. This is a key in dealing with saturated bins.

   As with the gulliver, David is now debugging the strange angular resolution
   behavior Sean has observed. Then he will start to make some modifications
   to utilize DRESS.

    The comparison of the PDF between by the layered-ice lightsaber table
   and by the parameterized function with the bulk ice model will open a new possibility
   to study the systematics related to the layered ice effects
   in the NPE measurement. Shigeru asked the reco team to put this in their agenda.

2. Status report of the Team Berkeley -  Standard Candle

   Shigeru reported that the branch of romeo-interface has now been ready
   to simulate the FY2005 Golden DOMs. Michelangelo will start making the SC photonics
   table soon. The romeo-interface is using the Kotoyo's method to fit the DOMIMANT
   predictions with the GDOM calibration data. It appears that we have overestimated
   NPE in the present simulation, which is consistent with the Michelangelo's
   tentative results.

   Aya will be making an IceTray interface for the Kotoyo's IceRayTrace that will
   provide an alternative photon transportation simulation. Because we would like
   to maintain data of photon incoming angles to a DOM, the table size could be
   big. Using Kotoyo's TH4D with limited set of geomotrical parameters or
   reducing its dimension by projecting one of the geometry factors is a subject
   to be decided.

   Aya reported about her first look of the November SC run which was taken
   by the realDAQ for the first time. The problem of the too-early DOM launch
   caused by a pre-pulse we had seen in the testDAQ data seemed to be gone.
   She established the data cut based upon NDOM>120 and vertex location
   of the Center-Of-Brightness to get rid of the atmospheric muon contamination.
   The ATWD baseline was found to be varied from event to event in the supposedly
   "calibrated" waveform. This problem is crucial in low NPE data. In high NPE,
   this amount of the baseline shift is not so problematic, although it is
   almost impossible to estimate the baseline level because all bins in ATWD
   seems to contain signals rather than pedestals. Aya has currently introduced
   the new method of the baseline estimation by averaging bins with 
   the lowest four amplitudes if the first-guessed charge assuming no offset
   of the baseline is below a certain value of the threshold.
   The baseline of FADC appears to be in better shape - the iteration approach

   Aya also found a spiky structure in the ATWD calibrated waveforms. It appears
   when the amplitude is around the ATWD channel 1 and 2 boundary. Kotoyo
   mentioned that this may be due to a different behavior of the baseline
   in the channel 2 which Chris told before. She will forward his e-mail to us.

   Shigeru asked about the plan to combine FADC and ATWD data in the SC analysis
   as we did in the EHE MC data. Aya said she wants to maintain analyzing those data
   separately until she has better understanding of the ATWD/FADC responses.

3. MC data/IC-9 data analysis plan

   The ice3sim V01-09-04 has eventually been out. The test run indicated that
   there are  some events with low energies but huge NPEs, which Shigeru
   thinks of a serious bug. He will be debugging to fix it before moving to
   the mass production phase.

   Keiichi will send us an email about the MC data production plan
   for our reference.

   We are now too busy to take close looks at the IC-9 level1 data
   after the Zeuthen meeting, but everybody is encouraged to analyze it
   at least for the low level verification. 

   We confirmed that the targeted date for us to publish the first IC-9 EHE results
   is the end of May 2007. We will have a workshop devoted for this business in May.

4.  ICRC Maxico

   Three abstracts will be submitted.
   IC-9 data  - Aya
   Reco       - David
   Energy calibration (Poster) - Shigeru?

5. Next phone or video conference
   December 11 (Monday) 6 pm CST - 12 (Tuesday) 9 am Japan