Minutes y07m03d20
Present: David, Kotoyo, Sean (UW-Madison)
Carsten(Penn State)
Dusan (Maryland)
Aya, Keiichi, Mina, Mio, Shigeru (Chiba)
1. The IC-9 data analysis updates (Aya) - her web page
It has been found that the EHE dataset needs some cleaning before going
to the analysis. Aya found it when she plots the NPE distribution
as a function of Run ID. There are apparently so many high NPE events
in the mysterious "WEASEL" time. She will ask what the hell this means
around the collaborators, but anyway we need to get rid of those data
taken in this period.
Short runs with less than 300 sec length also exhibits the strange event rate behavior.
We also need to clean out the data in these runs.
Because the MC predicts more time stretched-out waveforms than
the real data has shown, the narrow charge capture window
of ATWD Ch1 and 2 introduced additional non-negligible bias
in calculating NPEs. We, therefore, determined that we should use
the ATWD Ch0 only (plus FADCs) for estimating NPEs.
The data cleaning and the ATWD limitation gave us fewer events
in higher NPE regime. Now we have 171 events with 10^4 < NPE < 10^5.
2. The Atmospheric bundle parameterization (Aya)
The fitting of the parameters in our emprical bundle model
using the real data has been made progress.
The plot shows the good agreement between the data and MC.
Aya continues this analysis with using more MC data now being generated.
3. Simulation status (Keiichi)
The MC data generation based on V01-09-06a is going on rather smoothly.
Simulation for the 23 string configuration has been complieted
and now the full 80 string simulation is underway.
We have, however, still very poor statistics when the data was reduced
to the IC9 configuration. Because the muon background study needs more MC data,
we generated the 9 string data locally at Chiba. Those data is provieded
to the bundle parameterization fit.
4. Neutrino-induced events simulation (Mio)
We also need to take into account contributions of neutrino-induced events
inside the IceCube volume, although this channel is rather minor in the overall
event rate. JULIeT has a capability to simulate neutrinos in ice, but needed
some optimizations of the neutrino interaction weights for efficient data generation.
Mio has completed this optimization and has shown her first preliminary
results on the nu-e effective area and the event rate in EHE region.
She futher continues to develope the appropriate weigher module to analyze
the nu-e data. Simulating EHE nu-mu and nu-tau are also in her scope.
5. The PDF debuging (Keichi) - his web page.
Now we have seen the better agreement between the analytical "K-function" (Bulk ice)
and the photonics lightsaber table (Layered ice) as long as the muon track
is inside the IceCube instrumentation volume. For outer tracks,
the treatment of the track orientation (upward/downward) in the photonics
appears to play an important role.
6. Reco status (Keiichi, Sean, David). -
Keiichi showed his improved results using the K-function.
The energy reconstruction now appears to work.
Sean is suggested to try the similar things by using
the lightsaber table.
A tricky part is that the energy reco still uses the MC truth
of the track geometry. A better geometrical reconstruction
is also important.
7. 2007 Pole Filter (Dusan)
The Juliet MC data and the Corsika MC data appears to have their
own pros and cons in estimating the event rate of NDOMs>80.
We should also use the present 9 string data to estimate
the rate. Aya will provide him with the relevant root tree file.
We discussed how to summarize the event rate with various
criteria. Dusan will come back with the revised proposal
using the 9 string data.
8. The verification/monitoring updates (Carsten)
The development of the verification software seems to be almost
completed. Because the EHE business has its own aspect of
the data quality checking, Carsten will volunteer to develop
the sub version of the detector verification software for
the EHE data scheme.
9. The April Collaboration meeting planning (Aya/Keiichi)
Aya and Keiichi will circulate the agenda plan
(She has already done it as of writing this minutes)
10. EHE workshop
There is an idea to co-host the workshop with the cosmic ray working
group before/after the TAUP 2007 in Japan. Will wait for
the feedback from Tom Gaisser.
11. The next call
April 9 (Monday) 7 pm Madison - 10 (Tuesday) 9 am Japan
We focus on the 9-string unblinding proposal
for the analysis call.