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The IceCube collaboraion has announced that two ultra-high energy neutrino events are observed by the fully-deployed IceCube deep ice array. Neutrino energies of two events are estimated to be 780 TeV-5.6 PeV, and 890 TeV-8.5 PeV, repectively. They are the most energetic neutrino events ever detected to the present. The preliminary significance for a background-only (i.e., atrmospheric neutrinos) hypotheis is 2.9 sigma (1.6x10-3), indicating that they may be indeed cosmic neutrinos produced by very high energy cosmic rays.
The first annoucement of the detection was made by Dr. Aya Ishihara, the leading researcher on the search for the ultra-high energy cosmic neutrinos with IceCube, in the Neutrino 2012 conference this May.
(In Japanese)
アイスキューブ国際共同実験は 2012年6月、非常にエネルギーの高いニュートリノ事象を2例検出したと発表いたしました。
エネルギーはそれぞれ 780 TeV-5.6 PeV, 及び 890 TeV-8.5 PeVの範囲にあると推定されています。
0.16 % でしかありません。すなわち、高エネルギー宇宙線によって生成された宇宙ニュートリノであることを
(In Japanese)
Madia Apperances (Only in Japanese)
Further reading for researchers. 更に深く知りたい研究者へ