Power Supplies¶
This page aims to list the powersupplies in the ICEHAP laboratories. If you find it to be incomplete, please add your powersupply to this page.
PSU for reference PMT for the 2D scan box¶
This powersupply is used for the reference PMT of in the laserbox. To set the maximum allowed voltage, press the down arrow and hold it for a second. Then, the value can be set. After that, set the HV value by changing to the upper value. After setting the desired voltage, press the green button to activate the voltage output.
The Hamamatsu page for this PSU can be found here.

Fig. 9 The powersupply used for the laserbox reference PMT.¶
Low voltage power supply for HV boards¶
This powersupply is used to power the HV converters on the active PMT bases. A bias voltage of 5V is applied on one channel, while a control voltage between 0V and 5V is applied to power the PMT. The powersupply is mostly controlled remotely via the skippylab library.

Fig. 10 The low voltage powersupply used to power HV boards in the 2D scan box.¶