Chiba University
Particle Physics Group

Cosmic Ray Physics
Neutrino Astronomy
High Energy Physics
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IceCube at Chiba U




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In our group...

Our group has been engaged in particle/astro-particle physics. The mission involves all kind of fundamental research on elementary particles as well as their application, from ultra-high energy neutrino astronomy to high energy collider physics and also the medical imaging system using the electron-positron annihilation.

What's new
  • Information web for
    "International Workshop on Particles and Radiation from Cosmic Accelerators" in Chiba Univ. 2 March (Wed) -- 4 March (Fri), 2005 is here.

  • We had the UHE Neutrino Telescope Workshop 2003 on July 29th - 30th in Chiba Univ.
    Web page is here.

    2003/06/09 Renewed this web page.

  • IceCube web page at Chiba-U
    IceCube is the experiment for searching Ultra High Energy Cosmic Neutrino. We use the ICE in South Pole as huge target volume so that extremely rare arrivals of high energy neutrinos from the Universe can be detectable. Neutrinos coming from other side of the earth are occationally interacting with rock in the earth, generating charged particles like muons which further propagate in the rock and ice. The Cherenkov light from those particles flashes a lot of PMTs implemented in the ice at Antarctica. Here at the Chiba U IceCube group, we are in charge of development and calibration of PMTs, and development of the simulation program.
    Details of IceCube and UHE Neutrino Astronomy can be found here.

    Although there should be a theoretical upper bound of extragalactic cosmic ray energies, existence of cosmic rays beyond this limit was indicated by AGASA. Telescope Array(TA) verifies the existence of the highest energy cosmic rays and their sources. It is a Japan-U.S. collaborative experiment to explore the new physics of an elementary particle and the universe. By combining air fluorescence telescopes with particle detector surface array deployed in the desert in U.S. Utah, an air shower induced by extremery high energy cosmic ray is observed with great accuracy. Solid determination of the energy will be realized by the hybrid measurement.
    We develop the medical imaging system called PET (Positron Emission Tomography) with making use of e+ e- pair annihilation at National Institute of Radiological Sciences. We develop the photodetector to detect the light from pair annihilation.
    In particular, we are working on realization of higher position resolution by using the information on the depth of interaction.

    BELLE is the experiment for studying on CP violation between paticles and antiparticles. By the e+ e- collider at KEK, large amount of B and antiB meson are produced. We study on CP violation by comparing the behavior of them. Our group is involved with physical analysis and development of Aerogel Cherenkov Counter.


    AGASA :Observation of UHECR at the Akeno Observatory.