H. Ito presented
"Surface alpha ray imaging measurement"
on workshop of micro-pattern gaseous detector and active target TPC 2024.
NEWAGE group result:
"Development of a low-background micro pixel chamber for directional dark matter searches"
was published on
Nucl. Instr. Meth. A
( Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 1072 (2025) 170145 )
Super-Kamiokande group result:
"Measurements of the charge ratio and polarization of cosmic-ray muons with the Super-Kamiokande detector"
was published on Phys. Rev. D.
At international conference J-PARC symposium,
H. Ito (TUS) presented a poster
"A new experiment to measure the 𝝂-oxygen NCQE scattering with the BGO-based detector in a short-baseline neutrino facility"
R. Shibayama (YNU) presented a poster
"Measurement of neutron and gamma-ray background for future neutrino NCQE
scattering experiments"
The Super-Kamiokande experiment group reported
"Search for proton decay via p→e+η and p→μ+η with a 0.37 Mton-year exposure
of Super-Kamiokande"
In JPS 2024 conference @Hokkaido Univ.
H. Ito (TUS) reported
A study for sensitivity improvement of a low background alpha-ray imaging detector based on scintillation emission in CF4 gas (3)
K. Kotera (Tokushima) reported
Current status of PICOLON darkmatter seach using high-prity NaI(Tl) crystals
Y. Nakano (Toyama Univ.) reported
Investigation of solar g-mode oscillation search using solar neutrinos
R. Shibayama (YNU) reported
Measurement of neutron background for future experiments in measuring neutrino neutral current reactions
S. Shimizu (Osaka Univ.) reported
Measurement of structure dependent K+ → e+ γν decay in the J-PARC E36 experiment
M. Ishitsuka (TUS) reported
Prospects of physics by Hyper-Kamiokande with the intermediate water Cherenkov detector
Y. Sato (TUS) reported
Data demonstration measured by the Baby MIND muon tracker using J-PARC neutrino beam
K. Yamauchi (TUS) reported
Search for nucleon decay into an anti-neutrino and a neutral kaon in the Super-Kamiokande detector
R. Asaka (TUS) reported
Measurement of neutron tagging efficiency in SK-Gd experiment
The workshop: Investigation on the Origin and Evolution of Matter in the Universe by Extremely Rare Events: Frontire of Creating a New Insight on the Matte in the Universe,
Ultra-low level alpha particle imaging detection
was reported.
In JPS conference 2024,
H. Ito (Tokyo Univ. of Sci.) reported
A study for sensitivity improvement of a low background alpha-ray imaging detector based on scintillation emission in CF4 gas (2)
Y. Sato (Tokyo Univ. of Sci.) reported
Demonstration test of beam direction measurement for T2K experiment using electron multiplier tube
R. Namai, et al.,
"Development of a low-background micro pixel chamber for directional dark matter searches"
at arXiv.
The Super-Kamiokande experiment group reported
"Second gadolinium loading to Super-Kamiokande"
at arXiv.
At the
4th underground physics young workshopで
M. Wako talked a presentation,
"Study of CF4 gas scintillation to develop ultra-low background alpha particle detectors"
in Japanese.
At the international workshop
M. Wako presented a poster, "Study of CF4 gas scintillation to develop ultra-low background alpha particle detectors".
Recent result:
Measurement of the neutrino-oxygen neutral-current quasielastic cross section using atmospheric neutrinos in the SK-Gd experiment
by Super-Kamiokande experimental group
was published in PRD journal.
Super-Kamiokande group reports
a recent result for solar neutrinos,
"Solar neutrino measurements using the full data period of Super-Kamiokande-IV"
in arXiv.
'A study of sensitivity improvement for alpha particle imagingg detector based CF4 gas scintillation light detection' (Japanese) was reported in
MPGD workshop 2023.
I joined in
workshop on youth meeting for astroparticle 2023
"Direction-sensitive dark matter search with three-dimensional vector-type tracking in NEWAGE"
by NEWAGE group
was accepted and published to Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics.
"Analyzing the neutron and γ-ray emission properties of an americium-beryllium tagged neutron source"
was published in journal of Nucl. Inst. Meth. A.
"A study for sensitivity improvement of a low background alpha-ray imaging detector based on scintillation emission in CF4 gas"
was reported in
78th Annual Meeting(2023),
The Physical Society of Japan.
We exhibited
"High Sensitive Alpha Particle Detection for Soft Error Reduction in Semiconductor Devices"
at the University Trade Fair 2023 Innovation Japan.
Prof. K. Ichimura (Tohoku U)
Development of a low-background HPGe detector at Kamioka Observatory
at arXiv
In international conference
"Screening ultra-low alpha emissivity from the material surface based on a gaseous TPC with PMTs"
was reported in poster presentation by H. Ito,
"Measurement of cosmogenic Li-9 in Super-Kamiokande with gadolinium loaded water"
was reported in poster presentation by M. Shinoki (Tokyo Univ. of Sci.),
"Comprehension of AmBe+BGO source to calibrate neutron tagging in electron antineutrino physics"
was reported in poster presentation by T. Yano (ICRR, the Univ. of Tokyo).
"New determination of the branching ratio of the structure dependent radiative
by J-PARC E36
was published online in Physics Letters B
open access)
"Measurement of the cosmogenic neutron yield in Super-Kamiokande with gadolinium loaded water"
by Super-Kamiokande Collaboration
Phys. Rev. D 107, 092009)
Super-Kamiokande Collaboration
"Search for astrophysical electron antineutrinos in Super-Kamiokande with 0.01wt% gadolinium loaded water"
at arXiv
"A method to measure the quenching factor for recoil energy of oxygen in bismuth germanium oxide scintillators"
by Ommura et al.,
was published in Journal of Instrumentation.
JINST 18 T04006]
"Analyzing the neutron and γ-ray emission properties of an americium-beryllium tagged neutron source "
by H. Ito et al.
was reported at arXiv.
"A method to measure the quenching factor for recoil energy of oxygen in bismuth germanium oxide scintillators"
by Ommura et al.
was accepted in Journal of Instrumentation
as Technical Report.
Ommura et al.,
"A method to measure the quenching factor for recoil energy of oxygen in bismuth germanium oxide scintillators"
at arXiv
Super-Kamiokande Collaboration
"Measurement of the cosmogenic neutron yield in Super-Kamiokande with gadolinium loaded water"
at arXiv
J-PARC E36 collaboration reported
"New determination of the branching ratio of the structure dependent radiative
γ decay"
at arXiv.
"Development of Ultra-pure Gadolinium Sulfate for the Super-Kamiokande Gadolinium Project"
by the Super-Kamiokande collaboration was published
at Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics
PTEP, ptac170.)
"Recent trend of ultra-low alpha-particle detectors" was presented at
19th MPGD workshop and 6th Active TPC workshop in Japan.
(pdf (Japanese))
"Search for Cosmic-Ray Boosted Sub-GeV Dark Matter Using Recoil Protons at Super-Kamiokande"
by the Super-Kamiokande collaboration was published
(Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 031802/a>)
"Comprehending sources for pioneering electron antineutrino physics in SK/SK-Gd"
"Recent Trends in Ultra-Low-Activity Alpha Analysis and Response to Gas and Scintillation Light"
were reported
at 8th ultra-low background technics workshop in Japan.
Y. Ommura (Tokyo Univ. of Sci.) presented
3rd younger workshop for universe and underground experiments
"Quenching Factor Measurement of Oxygen Nuclear Recoil in BGO Scintillators"
Super-Kamiokande Collaboration
"Searching for neutrinos from solar flares across solar cycles 23 and 24 with the Super-Kamiokande detector"
at arXiv
"Neutron tagging following atmospheric neutrino events in a water Cherenkov detector"
by Super-Kamiokande collaboration was published to Journal of Instrumentation,
JINST 17 P10029 (open access).
"Searching for Supernova Bursts in Super-Kamiokande IV"
by M. Mori (Kyoto University) et al.,
The Super-Kamiokande Collaboration,
was published to
The Astrophysical Journal
ApJ 938 35 (open access).
"Search for proton decay via
p →
in 0.37 megaton-years exposure of Super-Kamiokande"
by R. Matsumoto (Tokyo University of Science) et al.,
The Super-Kamiokande Collaboration,
was published to PHYSICAL REVIEW D.
Phys. Rev. D 106, 072003 (open access).
Below member presented as poster
at The 21st international workshop on Next Generation Nucleon Decay and Neutrino Detectors (NNN22),
Yoshida-san (Tokyo Univ. of Sci.) "Tau identification using machine learning image classification in Hyper-Kamiokannde"
Nakanishi-san (Tokyo Univ. of Sci.)"Evaluation of the effect of a geomagnetic field on the performance of photomultiplier tube for multi-PMT"
(Best Poster Award)
Shinoki-san (Tokyo Univ. of Sci.) "Measurement of cosmogenic neutron in Super-Kamiokande"
Ommura-san (Tokyo Univ. of Sci.) "Measurement of quenching factor for recoil nuclei from neutron scattering in BGO scintillator"
"Development and application of a low-background alpha particle imaging based on a gaseous TPC detector"
was presented in
4th workshop of QBI2022.
"Search for proton decay via
p →
in 0.37 megaton-years exposure of Super-Kamiokande"
by R. Matsumoto (Tokyo University of Science) et al.,
The Super-Kamiokande Collaboration,
was accepted to PHYSICAL REVIEW D.
Super-Kamiokande Collboration reported
"Development of Ultra-pure Gadolinium Sulfate for the Super-Kamiokande Gadolinium Project"
in arxiv
Yoshida-san (TUS),
Nakanishi-san (TUS),
Odera-san (Tokushima U),
H. Ito (TUS),
Matsumoto-san (TUS),
Shinoki-san (TUS),
Ommura-san (TUS),
Nakano-san (ICRR),
and Suzuki-san (YNU)
at JPS conference autom 2022.
Super-Kamiokande collaboration reported
in arxiv.
"Search for proton decay via
p →
in 0.37 megaton-years exposure of Super-Kamiokande"
"Pre-supernova Alert System for Super-Kamiokande"
was published to The Astrophysical Journal
(L. N. Machado et al
2022 ApJ 935 40, open acess)
In international conference of
Y. Ommura (Tokyo Univ. of Sci.) presented with poster
"Measurement of quenching factor for recoil nuclei from neutron scattering in BGO scintillator"
M. Shinoki
(Tokyo Univ. of Sci.) presented with poster
"Measurement of cosmogenic neutron in Super-Kamiokande"
T. Yoshida
(Tokyo Univ. of Sci.) presented with poster
"Tau identification using machine learning image classification in Hyper-Kamiokande"
and was selected to Best Poster Award.
H. Ito (Tokyo Univ. of Sci.) presented with oral
"Alpha particle imaging chamber (AICHAM) for screening LowBG surface RI contamination"
Super-Kamiokande collaboration reported
"Search for supernova bursts in Super-Kamiokande IV"
in arxiv.
Poster presentation
"A quenching factor measurement for BGO scintillators"
was report by Ommura-san (Tokyo Univ. of Scie.)
in neutrino 2022 conference.
Poster presentation
"solar anti-neutrino search in SK/SK-Gd"
was report by H.Ito (Tokyo Univ. of Scie.)
in neutrino 2022 conference.
Super-Kamiokande collaboration reported
"Pre-Supernova Alert System for Super-Kamiokande"
in arxiv.
"Search for solar electron anti-neutrinos due to spin-flavor precession in the Sun with Super-Kamiokande-IV"
by the Super-Kamiokande collaboration
was accepted and published to Astroparticle Physics
(Astropart. Phys. 139 (2022) 102702., open acess)
proceedings of
TAUP2021 conference:
"What is a breakdown of continuous component hidden under 4.4-MeV gamma-ray peak from the AmBe source?"
(open access)
was published to Journal of Physics: Conference Series.
(Kohei Wada et al 2021 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2156 012209)
proceedings of TAUP2021 conference:
"A progress of upgrading α-ray imaging chamber in a low background radioactivity"
(open access)
was published to Journal of Physics: Conference Series.
(Hiroshi Ito et al 2021 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2156 012176)
"Optical transmittance measurements of sheet resistors for the CF4 scintillating light in a gaseous time-projection chamber"
was reported to arXiv.
"Measurement of structure dependent radiative
decays using stopped positive kaons"
of J-PARC E36 experiment collaboration
was accepted at
Phys. Lett. B.
(PLB826(2022)136913, open access)
I joined
18th workshop for MPGD and 5th Active TPC Symposium in Japan,
and、"Progress of Development for low-background radioactivity alpha particle imaging detector"
was reported.
"Diffuse Supernova Neutrino Background Search at Super-Kamiokande"
was published to Phys. Rev. D by Super-Kamiokande collaboratino.
(Phys. Rev. D 104, 122002)
"New Methods and Simulations for Cosmogenic Induced Spallation Removal in Super-Kamiokande-IV"
was reported to arXiv by Super-Kamiokande collaboration.
"Diffuse Supernova Neutrino Background Search at Super-Kamiokande"
was reported to arXiv by Super-Kamiokande collaboration.
"AICHAM: alpha particle imaging detector"
was reported in workshop of detecotr development platform and test beamline
"First Gadolinium Loading to Super-Kamiokande",
was reported to arXiv by Super-Kamiokande collaboration.
Poster of
"Progress of upgrading alpha-ray imaging detector in low radioactivity background"
was presented at TAUP2021
K. Wada, et al., presented
"What is a breakdown of continuous component hidden under 4.4-MeV gamma-ray peak from the AmBe source?"
in poster session at TAUP2021
Orii, (ICRR, Tokyo University) et al.,
"Search for tens of MeV neutrinos associated with gamma-ray bursts in Super-Kamiokande"
was published in Prog. Theo. Expr. Phys.
"Supernova Model Discrimination with Hyper-Kamiokande"
Dr. M. Malek, University of Sheffield, (Hyper-Kamiokande collaboration)
was published to
The Astrophysical Jounal.
K. Abe et al., 2021 ApJ916 15)
J-PARC E36 experiment collaboration
"Measurement of structure dependent radiative
decays using stopped positive kaons"
to arxiv.
"Direction-sensitive dark matter search with a low-background gaseous detector NEWAGE-0.3b''"
by M. Ikeda (Kyoto University, Japan).
published to PTEP journal
I joined Tokyo University of Science.
I joined to workshop of 7th low background techniqe
and reported
"Development of alpha ray imaging chamber using μ-PICin low background radioactivity"
in Japanese.
I joined to JPS conference 2021, in online,
and reported
~Recent status and Prospect for SK-Gd~
in Japanese
The paper of
"Development of highly radiopure NaI(Tl) scintillator for PICOLON dark matter search project"
by Prof. K. Fushimi (Tokushima Univ.) was accepted and published to PTEP journal.
"Direction-sensitive dark matter search with a low-background gaseous detector NEWAGE-0.3b''"
was reported by M. Ikeda (Kyoto University, Japan) to arXiv.
"Neutron-Antineutron Oscillation Search using a 0.37 Megaton⋅Year Exposure of Super-Kamiokande"
by Super-Kamiokande group was published to journal of Phys Rev D
(Phys Rev D 103, 012008)
"Development of highly radiopure NaI(Tl) scintillator for PICOLON dark matter search project"
was reported in arXiv by K. Fushimi, Tokushima University, Japan.
"Low background alpha-ray imaging measurement" was reported in MPGD & Active TPC2020 workshop
Takenaka et al., (Super-Kmaiokande collaboration) "Search for proton decay via p→e+π0 and p→μ+π0 with an enlarged fiducial volume in Super-Kande I-IV" was published to Physical Review D. (web)
"Search for solar electron anti-neutrinos due to spin-flavor precession in the Sun with Super-Kamiokande-IV"
is reported in arXiv by H. Ito, ICRR, University of Tokyo, Japan.
"First limits from a 3d-vector directional dark matter search with the NEWAGE-0.3b’ detector"
was published in PTEP journal
by R. Yakabe, Kobe University.
"Improved method for measuring low concentration radium and its application to the Super-Kamiokande Gadolinium project"
was published in PTEP journal
by S. Ito, Okayama University.
H.Ito reported "A search for Lorentz violating physics due to electron antineutrino from the Sun with Super Kamiokande" at JPS conference 2020.
H.Ito reported
"A progress for depelopment of alpha-ray imaging chamber for low background radioactivity (2)"
at JPS conference 2020.
"Evaluation of radon adsorption efficiency values in xenon with activated carbon fibers"
is published on Prog. Theo. Exp. Phys. by Y. Takeuchi, Kobe University.
T. Hashimoto, et al., "Development of a low-α-emitting μ-PIC as a readout device for direction-sensitive dark matter detectors" was accepted and published to journal: Nucl. Instr. Meth. A
(NIMA 977 (2020) 164285)
"Improved method for measuring low concentration radium and its application to the Super-Kamiokande Gadolinium project"
is reported in arXiv by S. Ito, Okayama University.
I joined workshop in conbined field of underground physics and low background radioactivity technology.
The talk :Development of alpha-ray imaging detector based on μ-TPC in low background radioactivity measurement, was presented there.
"Evaluation of radon adsorption efficiency values in xenon with activated carbon fibers"
is reported in arXiv by Y. Takeuchi, Kobe University.
M.Tanaka, et al. (The Super-Kamiokande Collaboration), "Search for proton decay into three charged leptons in 0.37 megaton-years
exposure of the Super-Kamiokande"
was published to Phys. Rev. D.
TAUP2019 conference:
The proceedings in TAUP2019 conference was published to
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser.
K. Hagiwara, et al. (The Super-Kamiokande Collaboration), "Search for Astronomical Neutrinos from Blazar TXS0506+056 in Super-Kamiokande"
was accepted in Astrophysical Journal Letters.
(ApJL 887 (2019) L6),
H. Ito, et al., "Development of an alpha-particle imaging detector based on a low radioactive micro-time-projection chamber”
was published to Nucl. Instr. Meth. A.
過去情報 2019.04.01~2019.09.31
C. Simpson, et al. (The Super-Kamiokande Collaboration), "Sensitivity of Super-Kamiokande with Gadolinium to Low Energy Anti-neutrinos from Pre-supernova Emission”
was accepted to The Astrophysical Journal.
(ApJ 885, (2019) 113.)
日本物理学会 2019年秋季大会に参加し、「極低放射能測定のためのμTPCを用いたアルファ線イメージ分析装置の開発状況」について発表しました。
日本物理学会 2019年秋季大会に参加し、「J-PARC E36実験:静止Kにおける輻射崩壊K+->e+νγ(SD+)の解析進捗」について発表しました。
TAUP2019に参加し、「Alpha-ray imaging chamber based on micro-TPC in low radioactive background」についてポスター発表しました。
S. Shimizu, et al., "A new experimental method to search for T-violation using a sequential CeF3 scintillating calorimeter"がNucl. Inst. Meth. Aに受理されました。
Available online: (web)
福岡国際会議場で開催されたThe 3rd International Conference on Charge Lepton Flavor Violationに参加し、"Search for lepton universality violation in J-PARC E36 Experiment"というタイトルでポスター発表しました。( web)
K. Miuchi, et al., "Development of a time projection chamber with a sheet-resistor field cage"がProgress of Theoretical Experimental Physicsでonline publishされました。(web)
名古屋大学で開催された第一回ニュートリノ若手研究会「ニュートリノ振動とフレーバー物理」に参加し、「太陽反電子ニュートリノ探索」を発表しました。( web)
東北大学 玉江さんがLRT2019で"Development of the database for low-background studies in Kamioka"を発表しました。
過去情報 2018.10~2019.3
国際シンポジウム "Revealing the history of the universe with underground particle and nuclear research 2019 Hosted by Scientific Research on Innovative Areas"に参加しました。
arxivに"Development of an alpha-particle imaging detector based on a low radioactive micro-time-projection chamber”を投稿しました。
IEEE NSS MIC2018で「Development of a surface alpha ray detector based on μ-TPC with low background」というタイトルでoral発表しました。(web)
第3回 宇宙素粒子若手の会 秋の研究会に参加し、「素粒子ナビゲータートーク」、「Low-alpha μ-PICを用いた表面アルファ分析装置の開発」、「J-PARC E36実験 静止K+を用いたe-μレプトン普遍性破れ探索」を発表しました。(web)
過去情報 2017.9~2018.9
第3回 宇宙素粒子若手の会 秋の研究会に参加し、発表しました。(web)
「low-α μ-PICを用いた表面アルファ線分析器の開発」(web)「神岡地下実験で用いられている低放射能部材に関する放射能データベースの開発(4)」(web)「J-PARC E36実験Γ(K+→e+ ν)/Γ(K+→μ+ ν)測定によるレプトン普遍性破れ探索実験の解析進捗(2)」(web)を発表しました。
国際学会NDM2018で「Development of surface alpha ray detector with low-alpha-emitting μ-PIC」というタイトルでポスター発表しました。(web)
投稿論文「"Performance check of the CsI(Tl) calorimeter for the J-PARC E36 experiment by observing e+ from muon decay」が学術雑誌 Nucl. Instr. Meth. Aにアクセプトされました。
第4回「極低放射能技術」研究会 で「表面α分析装置」、「放射能データベースの構築」について報告しました。(web)
日本物理学会 2017年秋季大会で「J-PARC E36実験のための背景事象 K+→e+νeγの研究」について発表しました。
過去情報 2016.9~2017.9
イノベーションジャパン2017出展 独創的放射線測定器(河合准教授)(web, 詳細)
環境放射能除染学会第6回研究発表会学会発表@福島県文化センター (web)
ANIMMA 2017 Best Poster Award 受賞
"Mearsuring Radioactivity of 90Sr based on Cherenkov Radiation in Real Time"
ANIMMA 2017 @Liege, Belgium(web)
第7回 高エネルギー物理春の学校@びわこクラブ(web)
第113回日本医学物理学会学術大会 @パシフィコ横浜
日本物理学会 第72回年次大会 @大阪大
過去情報 2015.9~2016.9
IEEE NSS MIC 発表 @Strasbourg
第27回計量計測展 展示発表 @東京ビックサイト(web)
日本物理学会2016年秋季大会 発表 @宮崎大学
[Accepted] JPS Conf. Proc. in iSRD2016
第112回日本医学物理学会学術大会発表@沖縄コンベンションセンター (web)
環境放射能除染学会第5回研究発表会学会発表@福島県文化センター (web)
iSRD2016 学会発表@KEK (web)
河合准教授 千葉エリア産学官連携オープンフォーラム2015学長賞受賞(web)
過去情報 2013.9~2015.9
ANIMMA2015 国際学会発表#222@リスボン
NIRSテクノフェア2014 展示:リアルタイムストロンチウム90カウンター
河合准教授 千葉エリア産学官連携オープンフォーラム2014学長賞受賞(web)
IEEE2014国際学会発表 @シアトル
publication renewal:IEEE2013
MIC 2014 Acceptance of Abstract #1682
Chubu Electric Power Research Results Presentation @ Omaezaki Civic center in Shizuoka, Japan
TIPP14 conference Oral presentation @Amsterdam in Netherlands
TIPP14 conference Poster presentation @Amsterdam in Netherlands
IEEE2013 NSS conference Poster presentation @Seoul in Korea
JPS conference in 2013 @Kochi in Japan
106th JSMP conference @Osaka in Japan
Home page had started.