Real-time strontium-90 counter
In 2011, a large amount of radioactive contaminated water leaked into the ocean as a result of the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident.
The most dangerous nuclide is strontium-90, which is up to 120 times more dangerous when taken into the body than cesium-137.
Chemical treatment when tested by chemical processing,
it is difficult to sell marine products wholesale because of the long measurement time of several weeks to a month.
Unlike conventional scintillation detectors, we are not sensitive to low-energy beta radiation
(i.e., environmental radioactivity: potassium-40, radon-222, etc.),
but are sensitive to high-energy beta radiation from the daughter nucleus of strontium-90 (strontium-90).
Yttrium-90, which is a daughter nucleus of Strontium-90.

The device consists of silica aerogel, wavelength conversion fiber,
and photomultiplier tube, and reads the presence of Cherenkov radiation from the silica aerogel through the fiber.
The aerogel is designed to emit light at β-rays from 90Y and not at β-rays fropottasium-40 (refractive index 1.04).
The surrounding Beto device with plastic scintillator and wavelength converting fiber suppresses noise from cosmic ray muons.


河合秀幸 (准教授)
伊藤博士 (研究員)
児玉諭士 (技術補佐員)
>>JPS Conf. Proc. 11 070002 (2016).