EHE track reconstruction
- The event reconstruction for 22 strings EHE analysis
(by K. Mase, March 6, 2008)
- The hyperreco status
PDF (by Henrik, Jan 2008)
- The first look of the hyper reconstruction of the JULIeT muons
PDF (by Henrik,Dec, 2007)
Second trial
(by Keiichi, March, 2007)
Reconstruction results using Lightsaber tables for Neutrino Generator in the 80 string configuration(by Sean, Feb.?, 2007)
First trial
(by Keiichi, Oct., 2006)
Reconstruction Results for Juliet in the 80 string configuration
(by Sean)
Reconstruction Results for Juliet with a monochromatic spectrum and a fixed track geometry in the 80 string configuration (by Sean)
Last modified: Fri Mar 7 17:18:52 JST 2008