22 strings analysis
- 22 string flasher event (MS powerpoint)
showing that DOMs in the deep clean ice received photons from a flasher at 600 m away

Event display of mis-reconstructed events
Muon bundle properties
revisit of NPE Vs energy
nearest distance distributions
Background estimation by CORSIKA
The unblinding proposal [pdf file]
(K. Mase, March 14, 2009)
The cut optimization (conservative way)
(K. Mase, March 1, 2009)
The cut optimization
(K. Mase, February 13, 2009)
Check the zenith angle resolution
(K. Mase, January 14, 2009)
Check the in-ice energy Vs total NPE
(K. Mase, January 14, 2009)
Check the effect of MC samples
(K. Mase, December 31, 2008)
Check the fit quality of the first guess (line fit)
(K. Mase, December 16, 2008)
Chi2 map of NPE and ZA distribution
(K. Mase, December 15, 2008)
Standard corsika data check
(K. Mase, November 14, 2008)
Corsika data check (without minimum energy)
(K. Mase, November 14, 2008)
Bad run list
(K. Mase, November 5, 2008)
Level2 data quality check
(K. Mase, November 5, 2008)
comparison between observational data and the Elbert/Corsika with several cuts
(K. Mase, October 15, 2008)
comparison between corsika and the Elbert model
(K. Mase, August 25, 2008)
Comparison between juliet and corsika MC samples
(K. Mase, August 19, 2008)
Fit data with the Elbert model
(K. Mase, July 10, 2008)
Final data check
(K. Mase, July 1, 2008)
systematics evaluation
(K. Mase, June 11, 2009)
The event reconstruction for 22 strings EHE analysis
(K. Mase, March 6, 2008)
Corsika data check
(K. Mase, 5th, April., 2008)
Event display for big events
(K. Mase, 29th, Nov., 2007)
DOM launch time check
(K. Mase, 24th, Nov., 2007)
Data check with more statistics (channel-wise)
(K. Mase, 14th, Nov., 2007)
Data check with more statistics (event-wise)
(K. Mase, 8th, Nov., 2007)
1st look
(K. Mase, 20th, August, 2007)

Related links
22 strings geometry (wiki)
2007 Online Filter (wiki)
Run coordinator spread sheet (excel file, docushare)
Good/Bad run list
Problematic OM list (wiki)
Standard Candle (wiki)

Keiichi Mase
Last modified: 2009-07-27 12:26:48